Mars Hydro FC 4800 480W LED Grow Light VS Spider Farmer G5000 480W Full Spectrum LED Grow Light

LED grow lights have revolutionized indoor gardening by providing energy-efficient and customizable lighting solutions. These lights utilize advanced technology to emit light of specific wavelengths that plants need for photosynthesis and growth. With their compact size and versatility, LED grow lights are suitable for a variety of indoor gardening settings.

Different wavelengths of light and their effects on plants

Light contains different wavelengths. These wavelengths determine the color and energy level of the light. For example, blue light has a shorter wavelength than red light, which means it has more energy. The shorter the wavelength, the higher the energy. The longer the wavelength, the lower the energy.

Different colors of light have different effects on plant growth. For example, blue light is often used for vegetative growth, while red light is used for flowering and fruiting.

However, it’s important to note that plants use more than just one wavelength of light. Instead, they use a mix of all the different colors of light in the visible spectrum. That’s why hydroponic grow lights are designed to mimic the sunlight that plants need to grow optimally.

Photosynthetically Active Radiation While a lux meter can give you some guidance about light intensity, a lux meter can miss some important information. While lux is only related to the amount of light (lumens) humans can see, plants also absorb light beyond that range. This is called photosynthetically active radiation (PAR).

This is where the PAR table comes in handy. The PAR meter measures the amount of PAR light, which is the light used for photosynthesis. This is light in the 400 to 700 nanometer range of the visible spectrum.

Mars Hydro FC 4800 480W LED Grow Light


MARS HYDRO LED Grow Light features 2016 Samsung LM301B and Osram 660nm diodes with an incredible efficiency of 2.85 µmol/J Maximum yield of 2.5g per watt, 30% higher average PPFD, higher yield and quality compared to older lights 50%! High yielding full cycle growth of 3×3 feet using only 480W of perfect light. It’s perfect for commercial LED grow lights, the FC4800 dimmable grow light with daisy chain allows you to connect up to 30 Mars grow lights to your commercial grow, horizontal and vertical farming, greenhouse grow, pipe grow, Hydroponics. Great for Mars Hydro 4x4grow tents that grow throughout the cycle.

Spider Farmer G5000 480W Full Spectrum LED Grow Light


Spider Farmer led grow light has a unique elongated light bar design, which provides more even and comprehensive canopy coverage. Equipped with 1680 high-efficiency diodes, the G5000 LED grow light delivers 480 watts, achieving an impressive 2.8 umol/J PPE, covering a highly productive full-cycle grow of 4×4 feet. The G5000 Grow Light is a full-spectrum LED grow light (660–665nm, 3200–4200K, 4800–5000K) with different wavelengths of light, perfect for every stage of plant growth. The dimming button can adjust the brightness of the light, 10–100% dimming to meet the needs of plant growth.

What to Look for When Buying LED Grow Lights

When purchasing LED grow lights, it is important to keep the specific needs of your plants in mind, incl.

Different plants have different light requirements, so it’s important to choose LED grow lights that provide the right amount and type of light for your particular plant.

In general, you should look for LED grow lights that emit full-spectrum light, as this will give your plants the most complete coverage. Ideally, you should have a light that allows you to change the light spectrum (e.g. UV/IR control) to suit different growth stages.

You should also make sure the light is bright enough to penetrate the leaves and reach the base of the plant.

Finally, you need to consider the quality of your grow lights. While more expensive lights may offer more features or higher-quality lights, they’re not necessarily better for you. Lamps that use cheaper generic diodes and LED drivers will perform poorly, run hotter and burn out faster. This is thermodynamics and there is no getting around it. Quality is very important when choosing LED grow lights, otherwise you run the risk of poor results.


The above are the recommended plant lights for 2023. If your planting environment is in a low-light environment, don’t hesitate to buy a plant light to care for your baby plants! Choose a plant growth light that suits you and create your own small garden!

Mars Hydro FC 4800 480W LED Grow Light VS Spider Farmer G5000 480W Full Spectrum LED Grow Lightultima modifica: 2023-06-02T11:53:02+02:00da rosinpress1130
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